Flutter Basics and Tricks for Beginners


Want to step into the world of Flutter? Great decision! Flutter is a powerful framework developed by Google that allows you to build mobile, web and desktop applications. It’s very user-friendly for beginners, but with some basic knowledge you can get up to speed much faster. Let’s talk about the most basic things you need to know when getting started with Flutter.

1. What is Flutter?

Flutter allows you to develop apps for multiple platforms with a single code base. So, you don’t need to write separate apps for Android and iOS. It has a “write once, run anywhere” philosophy. It works with the Dart programming language, which is quite easy to learn.

2. What is Widget?

The basic building block of Flutter is “widgets”. Every part of the application consists of a widget. This can be a button, a text or a list. In fact, everything in Flutter is a widget! For example, to create the main view of an app, you use the Scaffold widget. This creates the skeleton of the screen and allows you to add sections like the header, body, submenu, etc.

Some frequently used widgets in Flutter:

  • Text: To add text.
  • Container: To create a container structure.
  • Row ve Column: For horizontal and vertical arrangements.
  • ListView: To show long lists of data.

3. Stateless vs Stateful Widget

Widgets are divided into two types: Stateless and Stateful. These are essential for Flutter.

  • Stateless Widget: Shows fixed data that doesn’t change. For example, a header text or a fixed icon.
  • Stateful Widget: Needs variable data. Used for buttons or forms that change according to user interactions.

At first it can be a bit confusing to understand the difference between Stateless and Stateful, but you’ll soon get the hang of it!

4. Hot Reload: The Superpower of Developers

Did you do something wrong? Don’t worry! One of the biggest advantages of Flutter is the Hot Reload feature. This feature allows you to reflect the changes you make in the code to your app in seconds. So you don’t need to restart the app all the time. Write your code, save it, and see instant results!

5. Learning the Language of Darts

Flutter’s language, Dart, is easy to learn and modern. If you know JavaScript or Java, it will be very easy to get used to Dart. Dart is used in both widget structures and logical operations in Flutter.

Key Point: Having a good command of Dart makes you faster and more efficient in Flutter.

6. State Management

As a Flutter app grows, managing state can become complex. That is, you need to determine how screens are updated based on user interactions. You can use the simple setState method to get started, but for larger projects it’s much more efficient to manage state with packages like Riverpod or Provider.

7. Strengthen Your Power with Packages!

There are thousands of ready-made packages in the Flutter world. These packages are ready-made solutions that make your work easier, speed up your project and offer additional features. For example

  • with the http package you can pull data from APIs.
  • with shared_preferences you can store small data in the app.

You can visit pub.dev to explore the packages.

8. Documentation is Your Best Friend

Flutter has quite extensive documentation. Google’s official Flutter documentation is one of the most reliable sources for all kinds of information. You can also find answers to many questions on platforms like Stack Overflow and GitHub.

Key Point: Flutter’s documentation is very clear, even for beginners. I highly recommend you to take a look at it if you get stuck. Here comes:

9. Start with Simple Projects

The best way to learn in Flutter is to take it step by step by making small projects. You can make a simple to-do list app or try a weather app. Small projects help you learn the basic structures of Flutter and improve your practice.


These tips and tricks for Flutter beginners will take you to a more advanced level in no time. Remember, learning Flutter requires some patience, but the pleasant experiences in the coding process will motivate you. You can develop small projects with Flutter and improve yourself by learning new things every step of the way. Also, with Hot Reload, you can fix your mistakes instantly and progress quickly. Happy coding!

Thank you for reading.


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