new year etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
new year etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

I Started the New Year Without Motivation: How Did I Overcome It?


The new year is here, everyone is making new plans, everyone seems to be full of energy. But me? I don’t feel that way at all, maybe you are like me. I don’t feel like doing anything, I feel like personal reasons have sucked the motivation out of me. But I know I can overcome this. I’ve done it before, I can do it again. I’m writing this article to regain my motivation and to help others like you who are in a similar situation.

We have to start somewhere, don’t we?

I Let Myself Go

The first thing I realized was that I was being hard on myself. I was thinking, “Why am I feeling this way when everyone else is starting the year with great excitement?” But then I realized that this is just a phase. Everyone has ups and downs. There is no point in judging myself for feeling this way.

“Difficult times are an opportunity to discover your strength” (Roy T. Bennett).

Maybe this period is opening the door to a new beginning for me.

I Started Taking Small Steps

Big goals can be daunting. When I realized that, I started setting smaller goals for myself. For example, instead of struggling with a project idea, I just tested a Flutter widget. That was it. But when I did that, I felt a spark inside me and I thought, this is it. Taking small steps, winning small victories, makes a big difference.

“Great achievements begin with small but consistent steps” (Confucius).

The next day I made my goal a little bigger. But I kept it simple again. I added a piece every day.

Back to Routines

When there is no motivation, it is easy to lose order. I would wake up in the morning and scroll for a while and then the rest of the day would be a mess. I felt like I needed to re-establish my routine. Just getting my coffee in the morning and sitting at the computer, planning the first half hour of the day by thinking “what can I do today?” made a big difference.

“Routines are the foundation of creativity.” (Twyla Tharp).

I realized again that my routines lift me up.

I tried to get inspired

Sometimes, listening to other people’s stories or looking at other projects is incredibly inspiring. Browsing through the GitHub pages of Flutter projects and looking at the beautiful stories written on Reddit energized me.

Before writing this post, I reread my previous post 2025 UI/UX Design Trends with Flutter and I got a lot of ideas for new projects. Because other people’s creative process can trigger yours.

I Set Flexible Goals

Instead of big goals like completing an app, I said, “I’m just going to design the home screen this week.” Starting this way took the pressure off myself. Staying flexible actually allowed me to be more creative.

“Your plans will change. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up on the goal.” (Tony Robbins).

This quote was always in my mind when I was reviewing my goals.

I Made Time for Me

Sometimes I used to think that the more I work, the more important it is, but this is a false belief. Recharging our mind and body is just as important as working. That’s why it felt good for me to watch a favorite TV show, take a walk outside or just sit and do nothing.

“Taking care of yourself is your most important investment.”

I have experienced how true this simple but profound statement is.

Remembering My Past

At some point, I decided to look at what I had achieved before. What difficulties I had overcome, what I had created! This is what motivated me the most. If I could do it before, I can do it again.

If you feel like me, look at your own story. Remembering what you have achieved will shed light on your next step.

When I wrote this article, I wanted to give myself and you a chance. Life is full of ups and downs, but every journey starts with an effort. For more tips and experiences, you can also check out my article on How I Learned to Read Code. Don’t forget to share your comments and your own stories with me!

Remember, we are stronger together. Let’s start with a small step, shall we? 😊

Thank you so much for reading.

If you found it valuable, hit the clap button 👏 and consider following me for more such content.


Yeni Yıla Motivasyon Olmadan Başladım: Bunu Nasıl Aştım?


Yeni yıl gelmiş, herkes yeni planlar yapıyor, enerjiyle dolu gibi görünüyor. Ama ben? Hiç de öyle hissetmiyorum. Belki siz de benim gibisinizdir. İçimden bir şey yapmak gelmiyor, özel sebepler motivasyonumu emip bitirmiş gibi hissediyorum. Ama biliyorum ki bu durumu aşabilirim. Daha önce yaptım, yine yaparım. Bu yazıyı, hem kendi motivasyonumu yeniden kazanmak için hem de sizin gibi benzer bir durumda olanlara faydalı olması için yazıyorum.

Bir yerden başlamamız gerekiyor, öyle değil mi?

Kendime İzin Verdim

İlk fark ettiğim şey, kendime acımasız davrandığımdı. “Herkes yıla büyük bir heyecanla başlamışken ben neden böyle hissediyorum?” diye düşünüyordum. Ama sonra anladım ki, bu sadece bir dönem. Herkesin inişleri ve çıkışları var. Böyle hissettiğim için kendimi yargılamamın bir anlamı yok.

“Zor zamanlar, gücünüzü keşfetmeniz için bir fırsattır.” (Roy T. Bennett).

Belki de bu dönem, bana yeni bir başlangıcın kapısını aralıyordur.

Ufak Adımlar Atmaya Başladım

Büyük hedefler göz korkutucu olabiliyor. Ben de bunu fark ettiğimde kendime daha küçük hedefler koymaya başladım. Mesela, bir proje fikriyle boğuşmak yerine sadece bir Flutter widget’ını test ettim. O kadar. Ama bunu başardığımda içimde bir kıvılcım hissettim. İşte bu, dedim. Küçük adımlar atmak, küçük zaferler kazanmak, büyük fark yaratıyor.

“Büyük başarılar, küçük ama tutarlı adımlarla başlar.” (Confucius).

Bir sonraki gün hedefimi biraz daha büyüttüm. Ama yine basit tuttum. Her gün bir parça ekledim.

Rutinlere Döndüm

Motivasyon olmadığında düzeni kaybetmek kolay oluyor. Sabah kalkıp bir süre ekranı kaydırıyordum, sonra da günün geri kalani karmakarışık geçiyordu. Rutinimi yeniden oturtmam gerektiğini hissettim. Sabah kahvemi alıp bilgisayar başına oturmak, günün ilk yarım saatini “bugün ne yapabilirim?” diye düşünerek planlamak bile büyük fark yarattı.

“Rutinler, yaratıcılığın temelidir.” (Twyla Tharp).

Rutinlerimin beni yükselttiğini yeniden fark ettim.

İlham Almaya Çalıştım

Bazen, başka insanların hikayelerini dinlemek ya da başka projelere göz atmak insana inanılmaz ilham veriyor. Flutter projelerinin yer aldığı GitHub sayfalarında gezinmek, Reddit’te yazılan güzel hikayelere bakmak bana enerji verdi.

Bu yazıyı yazmadan önce, daha önce yayınladığım Flutter’da UX/UI Trendleriyazımı tekrar okudum ve yeni projeler için aklıma çok şey geldi. Çünkü başkalarının yaratım süreci, sizinkini tetikleyebiliyor.

Esnek Hedefler Koydum

Bir uygulama tamamlamak gibi büyük hedefler yerine, “Bu hafta sadece ana ekranı tasarlayacağım” dedim. Bu şekilde başlamak, kendime olan baskıyı azalttı. Esnek kalmak, aslında daha yaratıcı olmamı sağladı.

“Planlarınız değişecek. Ama bu, hedeften vazgeçmeniz gerektiği anlamına gelmez.” (Tony Robbins).

Hedeflerimi gözden geçirirken bu söz hep aklımda oldu.

Kendime Zaman Ayırdım

Bazen, ne kadar çalışırsam o kadar önemli olacağını düşünüyordum. Ama bu yanlış bir inanç. Zihnimizi ve bedenimizi şarj etmek de en az çalışmak kadar önemli. Bu yüzden sevdiğim bir dizi izlemek, dışarıda biraz yürümek ya da sadece hiçbir şey yapmadan oturmak bana iyi geldi.

“Kendinize bakmak, en önemli yatırımınızdır.”

Bu basit ama derin sözün aslında ne kadar doğru olduğunu yaşamış oldum.

Geçmişimi Hatırladım

Bir ara, daha önce başardıklarıma bakmaya karar verdim. Ne zorluklar aşmış, neler yaratmışım! Bu, beni en çok motive eden şey oldu. Daha önce yapabildiysem, yine yapabilirim.

Eğer siz de benim gibi hissediyorsanız, kendi hikayenize bakın. Neler başardığınızı hatırlamak, bir sonraki adımınız için ışık tutacak.

Bu yazıyı yazarken hem kendime hem de size bir şans vermek istedim. Hayat inişli çıkışlarla dolu, ama her düzlüğe çıkış, bir çabayla başlıyor. Daha fazla ipucu ve deneyim paylaşımlarım için Kod Okuma Becerileri Geliştirmeyazıma da göz atabilirsiniz. Yorumlarınızı ve kendi hikayelerinizi benimle paylaşmayı unutmayın!

Unutmayın, bizler birlikte daha güclüyüz. Şimdi küçük bir adımla başlayalım, olur mu? 😊

Okuduğunuz için teşekkürler.


My Work Plans for 2025: A Year Full of Dreams and Goals


In all of our minds, a new year means a fresh page. This is a space where we can write our own story and realize our goals. I have prepared a plan full of big dreams for 2025. My aim is to record this plan and create a roadmap for me and a source of inspiration for those who read it. Who knows, maybe you will want to plan your own 2025 goals after this article!

Let’s get started. Here is what I will do in 2025:

Penguin Academy: Daha Fazlası Mümkün

In 2024, I decided to make my Penguin Academy app, which I developed to teach English to children, even bigger in 2025.

This year, I will add new games (such as matching and memory games) and tutorial videos to the app. I want to create a platform where children can learn and have fun at the same time. The task is big, but the steps are small. I will proceed with the motto “Big dreams come true with small steps!

I also plan to share with you every detail I learn while developing Penguin Academy.

You can download my app from the link below, I would appreciate your feedback:

Minik Tarifler: An App to Bring Joy to Kitchens

My second big project is Minik Tarifler.

This app offers parents special recipes for their babies and I want to take it one step further.

I want to add features like user login, recipe saving, scoring, adding pictures and sharing recipes. I want to give families an experience that is both useful and enjoyable. This project is a great opportunity to make the kitchen a fun place and bring mommies together.

This app will also be available on GooglePlay in 2 weeks. I’m excited to announce it.

German: New Horizons in Language Learning

I aim to improve my German level beyond A2.

Two applications will be my biggest helpers on this path: Duolingo and Rosetta Stone. I aim to practice three days a week for 30 minutes on Duolingo and two days a week to complete units with Rosetta Stone. At the end of the month, I will repeat what I have learned and reinforce it with quizzes. In this way, I will consistently complete chapter 4 on Duolingo and reach the end of 20 units on Rosetta Stone every month. At this point, with the help of both applications, I am approaching this project with great determination.

Every word opens a new door.

Language Test App: Memorization Hard, Technology Easy

This year I set a new goal for my software work: An application to help those preparing for language exams.

The app will have features such as vocabulary memorization, test solving and creating individual study plans. I’m in the data collection phase, but I’ve invested enough time in this project to last the whole year.

“The way to simplify challenges is to use technology well.” With this project, I will make learning easier with technology.


I started writing on Medium in February 2024. I learned incredible things from what I researched to write and what I wrote about what I researched. I met new articles and writers, and my horizons expanded. That’s why this platform will be even more important for me in 2025.

In 2025, I am allocating a big focus to Medium. My goal is to be able to write about every topic I learn, every topic I get stuck on and every topic I want to learn about. I don’t know if it makes sense to set a number, but I can still say 100 articles as a concrete goal. In 2026, of course, with the aim of writing better articles in terms of quality rather than quantity.

Some of my articles will be technical information and some will be inspiring stories from life. In this way, I aim to reach a wider audience.

Every article is an idea, every idea is a change.

Now let’s come to the planning part.

Implementing Plans: How did I divide my work?

January: New Beginnings

  • Penguin Academy: Design of video content will start, first prototype will be prepared.
  • Language Testing App: Data collection and basic architectural planning.

“A new year, new opportunities! Every small step you take today builds tomorrow’s success.”

February: Gaining Speed

  • Penguin Academy: Production of video content will be completed.
  • Language Test Application: The first version of the vocabulary memorization module will be developed.

“Set your own pace and get to the top step by step. Success comes with patience.”

March: Time to Move Forward

  • Penguin Academy: Matching game development process will begin.
  • Language Test Application: Algorithms will be developed for the test modules.

“Add a brick every day, and in the end, the building you dreamed of will be in front of you.”

April: Fruits of the Work

  • Penguin Academy: The matching game will be completed and tested.
  • Language Test Application: User interface design will begin.

“The work you do today will be the reason for a smile tomorrow.”

May: Discover Creativity

  • Penguin Academy: Memory game development process will begin.
  • Language Test Application: Collecting feedback from users and making improvements.

“Creativity comes when you remove the limitations of your mind.”

June: Evaluation and Success

  • Penguin Academy: Memory game will be completed, testing process will be started.
  • Language Test Application: First test version will be released, user comments will be collected.

“Progress is possible with every small improvement you make.”

July: The Finishing Touches

  • Penguin Academy: Memory game will be final tested and bugs will be fixed.
  • Minik Tarifler: User login and recipe saving features will be analyzed.

“Patience is the key to everything. Hold on to your dreams.”

August: Make Room for Innovation

  • Penguin Academy: Launch the app, start collecting user feedback.
  • Minik Tarifler: User login and recipe saving features will be improved.

“Work to become stronger; every effort brings you closer to the goal.”

September: Time to Move Forward

  • Minik Tarifler: Scoring and adding pictures to recipes will be improved.
  • Language Test Application: Improvements will be made according to the feedback received from the tests.

“Success is in the details. Pay attention to the details.”

October: Productivity Month

  • Minik Tarifler: Recipe sharing and recommendation system will be worked on.
  • Language Test Application: New vocabulary groups and quiz modules will be added.

“Take one more step today to build your dream.”

November: Approach the Goal

  • Minik Tarifler: Beta version of the application will be released, user comments will be collected.
  • Language Test Application: More comprehensive tests will be conducted and deficiencies will be corrected.

“Just start; the beginning is only half the way.”

December: End of Year Evaluation

  • Minik Tarifler: The application will be published after making corrections based on feedback.
  • Language Test Application: Target modules and features will be planned for the new year.
  • Medium: An article will be prepared about what I did in 2025 and whether I reached the points I targeted. A vision post will be shared with the plans for 2026.

“The end of a year is the beginning of new opportunities.”

Are You Ready to Plan?

This is a work plan rather than a life plan. Therefore, I hope to be healthy and to be together with my family and to have enough time for my son, my husband, my friends. And of course to have fun :)

A 1-year work plan is long term. We don’t know what will happen during the year, what will happen to us. Still, planning is everything.

I hope this article will be a record for me and a source of inspiration for you.

Remember, every big goal is realized with small steps. May 2025 be a full year for all of us. How about creating your own plans and taking the first step on this path?

“When your dreams are big, the meaning of your steps grows.”

Thank you so much for reading.

If you found it valuable, hit the clap button 👏 and consider following me for more such content.
