Cheat Sheet on Layout Management in Flutter


Layout CheatSheet

Hello everyone,

Today I wanted to prepare a content for you that is easy to understand, enriched with visual examples and contains pill information about how to place our widgets on the UI screen in flutter. I hope it will be useful for all of us.

1. Main Layout Widgets


Purpose: To sort widgets vertically.

Area of Usage: Used when creating a list or when a vertical arrangement is needed. For example, it is useful when designing a form or a profile page.


mainAxisAlignment: Sets the alignment on the vertical axis.

crossAxisAlignment: Sets the alignment in the horizontal axis.

Tip: Column is a structure considered as flex. The widgets placed in it fill the available space and you can control how this space is allocated by using Expanded or Flexible.

children: [
Icon(Icons.home, size: 100, color: Colors.amber),
Icon(Icons.home, size: 100, color: Colors.teal),
Icon(Icons.home, size: 100, color: Colors.blueAccent),
Column — MainAxisAligment
children: [
Icon(Icons.home, size: 100, color: Colors.amber),
Icon(Icons.home, size: 200, color: Colors.teal),
Icon(Icons.home, size: 100, color: Colors.blueAccent),
Column — CrossAxisAlignment


Purpose: Sorting widgets horizontally side by side.

Area of Usage: It is used when icons and text should be displayed side by side. For example, in an application bar (AppBar) icons and text are usually organised with Row.


mainAxisAlignment:Sets the alignment in the horizontal axis.

crossAxisAlignment: Sets the alignment on the vertical axis.

Tip: Row provides horizontal space for child widgets. If the elements are too wide, overflow may occur. In this case, it may be necessary to use Expanded or Flexible.

children: [
Icon(Icons.home, size: 100, color: Colors.amber),
Icon(Icons.home, size: 100, color: Colors.teal),
Icon(Icons.home, size: 100, color: Colors.blueAccent),
Row — MainAxisAlignment
children: [
Icon(Icons.home, size: 100, color: Colors.amber),
Icon(Icons.home, size: 200, color: Colors.teal),
Icon(Icons.home, size: 100, color: Colors.blueAccent),
Row — CrossAxisAlignment


Purpose: Widget’ları üst üste yığmak.

Area of Usage: It is often used in situations that require z-index control, that is, when one widget needs to be overlaid on top of another. For example, it can be used to add text over an image.


Positioned: It is used to place the child widget in a specific position. The position can be set with parameters such as top, left, right, bottom.

Tip: Stack offers both flexibility and complex arrangements. With the Align or Positioned widgets, elements can be aligned or positioned at specific points.

children: [
Container(color:, width: 100, height: 100),
top: 10,
left: 10,
child: Icon(, color: Colors.white),

2. Flexible Layout Widgets


Purpose: Filling the entire available space or covering a flexible area.

Area of Usage: It is usually used in Row or Column to allow a widget to fill the remaining space. For example, you can use it for a button that you want to completely cover the width of the screen.


flex: When there is more than one Expanded widget, determines the proportion of space to allocate to each.

Tip: Expanded flexibly shares the space in a Row or Column with other elements. This sharing ratio can be set with the flex parameter.

children: [
Expanded(flex: 2, child: Container(color: Colors.amberAccent)),
Expanded(flex: 1, child: Container(color: Colors.teal)),
Using Expanded in Row and Column


Purpose: It is used for a widget to fill the available space, but for this space to be flexible.

Area of Usage: It is used when a widget needs to occupy a certain area, but this area can be further expanded or contracted.


fitFlexFit.tight(takes up all space like Expanded) or FlexFit.loose (takes up only as much space as it needs).

Tip: Flexible offers more controlled flexibility than Expanded. How much space it will occupy can be determined with the fit parameter.

children: [
Flexible(child: Container(color:, height: 100)),
Flexible(fit: FlexFit.loose, child: Container(color: Colors.yellow, height: 160)),
Using Flexible in Row and Column

3. Box Widgets


Purpose: Used to stylise a widget, add padding, margin and decoration.

Area of Usage: It is often used to control the style and size of a widget. It is an ideal choice for adding a shadow over an image or positioning a text in a specific area.


padding: The space from the edges of the content.

margin: The space from the outside.

decoration: Used to add a background colour, border or shadow.

Tip: Container provides styling and editing control. It is used to control the style and position of the widget placed inside it.

padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
margin: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
child: const Text(
'Container with Padding',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 26.0),
Example of a Container with Padding parameter


Purpose: Determine fixed width and height.

Area of Usage: It is used to leave a fixed space between two widgets or to create a widget of a certain size.

Tip: SizedBox can be used to create a space or place visible/invisible widgets of a certain size.

width: 100,
height: 50,
child: Text('Sized Box',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 26.0),
SizedBox — Inspector


Purpose: Adding space around a widget.

Area of Usage: It is used when the content needs to be at a certain distance from the edges. For example, you can use it to add space to a button from the inside.

Tip: Padding, like Container, is a style widget optimised for adding padding only.

padding: EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
child: Text(
'Padded Text',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 26.0),
Padding — Inspector


Purpose: Aligning a widget to a specific position.

Area of Usage: It is used when it is necessary to place the widget at a specific point within an area. For example, Align can be used to align a button to the bottom right corner.

Tip: Align is an ideal widget for aligning widgets with unspecified width and height.

alignment: Alignment.bottomRight,
child: Text(
'Aligned to Bottom Right',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 26.0),


Purpose: Centring a widget.

Area of Usage: Used when a widget needs to be exactly centred vertically and horizontally.

Tip: Center is a special case of the Align widget and always puts the alignment in the centre.

child: Text('Centered Text',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 26.0),
Centre and Text widgets nested

4. Grid Arrangements


Purpose: Organising widgets in the form of a grid.

Area of Usage: It is used where a grid arrangement is required, such as in a gallery application or product catalogue.


crossAxisCount: Determines how many columns horizontally.

mainAxisSpacing andcrossAxisSpacing: Adjusts the gaps between the grids.

Tip: GridView automatically places items in the grid. Using GridView.count allows you to specify a certain number of columns.

crossAxisCount: 3,
mainAxisSpacing: 10,
crossAxisSpacing: 10,
children: [
Container(color: Colors.redAccent),
Container(color: Colors.greenAccent),
Container(color: Colors.blueAccent),


Purpose: Creating dynamic and performance-friendly grid layouts.

Area of Usage: It is used to improve performance when working with large data sets. For example, a product list with infinite scrolling.

Tip: GridView.builder does not render widgets that are not on the screen, thus improving performance.

gridDelegate: const SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
crossAxisCount: 3),
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return Container(
color: Colors.lightBlueAccent,
child: Text(
style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 26.0),

5. List Arrangements


Purpose: Organising widgets into a vertical list.

Area of Usage: Used when a simple listing is required. For example, it is ideal for listing messages in a chat application.

Tip: ListView can show a large number of items by scrolling. ListView.builder may be preferred for performance.

children: const [
title: Text(
'Item 1',
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 26.0,
title: Text(
'Item 2',
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 26.0,
ListTile Usage in ListView


Purpose: Creating a performant and dynamic list.

Area of Usage: It is used when working with large data sets or where items are generated dynamically. For example, an infinite scroll list.

Tip: ListView.builder renders only the items visible on the screen, which significantly improves performance.

itemCount: 20,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return ListTile(
title: Text(
'Item $index',
style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 26.0),


Purpose: To add a dividing line between list items.

Area of Usage: Used for lists that require separated items. For example, a contact list in a contacts application.

Tip: ListView.separated inserts a specific widget between each item, usually Divider is used.

itemCount: 10,
separatorBuilder: (context, index) => const Divider(
thickness: 2.0,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return ListTile(title: Text('Item $index'));

6. Other Useful Widgets


Purpose: To add a space between two widgets.

Area of Usage: Used to leave a space between two widgets in Row or Column.

Tip: Spacer behaves like Expanded, but balances the space within a Row or Column relative to other elements.

children: [
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 26.0, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 26.0, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
Spacer Example


Purpose: Wraps horizontally or vertically compressed widgets, moving to the bottom row in case of overflow.

Area of Usage: It is used in cases where elements that do not fit horizontally need to move to the bottom line. For example, tag (chip) widgets.

Tip: Wrap provides a flexible layout and automatically switches to a new row when widgets do not fit on the row.

spacing: 18.0,
runSpacing: 14.0,
children: [
Chip(label: Text('Chip 1')),
Chip(label: Text('Chip 2')),
Chip(label: Text('Chip 3')),
Wrap widget


Purpose: To give the widget a specific aspect ratio.

Area of Usage: Used when images or videos need to be displayed with a specific aspect ratio. For example, a video player window.

Tip: AspectRatio calculates the width and height according to the given ratio, thus ensuring layout consistency.

backgroundColor: Colors.yellowAccent.shade100,
body: AspectRatio(
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
child: Container(color:,

I hope you like this content I have prepared for Layout management in Flutter.

Have a good work.


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